Why We Don’t Be Recording At The Cross Border Summit 2023

June 1, 2023

With less than 6 months to go for Cross Border Summit 2023 – all hands are on deck. And we are getting lots of questions and suggestions – thank you!

One of those is:

“Are you recording the Cross Border Summit 2023?”

“Will I be able to get the replays online later”?

“I can’t come, but will you record it so I can watch it later?”


We are NOT recording the sessions. Attendees are also NOT allowed to record.

We know other Amazon conferences in the space record – and we respect their decision.

But we are not.

And we have in the past – 2017, 2018 we did record.

But we stopped in 2019, and we will also not record in 2023.


Here are our reasons why:

You Won’t Watch The Recordings (Seriously!)

Most likely you won’t watch the recordings – how many people actually go back and watch the recordings? Even if we sell the recordings later, people pay and they don’t actually watch them (according to our stats as well as asking around in the industry).

Attendees Won’t Value Live Session As Much

Attendees won’t pay as close attention – the attendees may then skip some of the sessions saying they can watch the recording (when they actually won’t).

Speakers Hold Back Sharing Insights

*** speakers don’t share as openly *** – this is a top reason for us. As we speak with speakers (lol) they ask if it is recorded. They ask who will be there. And even I – as a speaker – change what I say if there is a video camera recording what I am saying.

When the session is recorded, the speaker thinks to himself/herself:
“Will this go on youtube”
“Will what I say hurt me in the future”
“Will Amazon watch this video and then do something to my account/brand”?
“I can’t share the “juicy” stuff because this may go online later and get leaked and I get in trouble”.

Because – let us face it – many tactics, strategies, and “hacks” – we cannot share those openly if they will be posted online. Even if it goes to a private membership like our GFAVIP membership – it is too risky for someone on stage to share certain strategies.

We want to encourage them to be comfortable and open.

We Want To Encourage Speakers to Share More

We want speakers to share their brands, the numbers, they’re good – bad – and ugly. If this is recorded, it is too risky for us as the organizers to ask them. Brands. Past brands. Big mistakes they made that they don’t want the whole internet to hear about.

Makes It More Intimate & Valuable

We are doing this for those 100 attendees who are there and NOW. We have heard at other events, “Oh can you help get me the recordings, I can’t go – can you share your login”, etc etc. We just don’t want this to spread around and we also don’t even believe those people will get the same amount of value watching the recordings as being there. It just cheapens it – to us.

So that is our take.

If you’re serious about high-value networking, and high-value insight sharing – stop by our Cross Border Summit 2023 – learn more here.
